Remote Work Tools to Help You During the Pandemic

In the past two months, business owners and employees have had to adapt to working remotely. The probability is high that even after we have a vaccine, there will be a paradigm shift. More of us are going to be working from home, and that means we’ll all need to have tools to help us manage our assets, collaborate, and connect with one another.

With that in mind, here are some of the best tools available for working remotely, now and in the future.

Asset Management Tools

A lot of companies have moved to cloud-based backup systems, but some haven’t. If you need a way to manage your data and assets online, so everybody can access what they need, here are some suggestions.

If you’ve been reluctant to embrace cloud technology for file sharing and asset management, now is the time to embrace it.

Time Tracking Tools

If you bill clients hourly – or pay employees hourly – then you need a way to track time spent on projects. Here are three tools to try:

Tracking employees’ time helps to keep people accountable when they work from home.

Virtual Meeting Tools

Virtual meetings are everywhere these days, and I’m willing to bet you’ve already tried some of the tools I’ll cover in this section. Keep in mind that some of these may be useful for keeping in touch with friends and family as well as for business meetings.

Keep in mind that Zoom’s free option limits meetings to just 40 minutes, but their paid plans start at just $14.99 per month. That will get you meetings up to 24 hours with up to 100 participants.

Remote Login Tools

Depending on your situation, you or a member of your team may need to log in to a computer in your office while you’re at home. Here are some tools that can help you.

Keep in mind that for any of these tools to work, the computer being accessed must be turned on.

Project Management Tools

Even small businesses may have ongoing projects where multiple employees must collaborate to complete their work. Here are some of the best project management tools to try.